torek, 22. november 2011

Pink love

This time I'm going write in English, so that my word will spread around the world. I was just reading Jacque's blog, when I realize how small we really are. When everything is going great, we don't think about anything but pleasure. Until something wrong happens...sickness, accident, death... Suddenly your life is turned upside down. Nothing else matters but health.

I will post  Jacque's request here, with good thinking about sick Astrid.
"Astrid has breast cancer. She has just been through surgery and is on the Chemo and radiation journey now. So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send Astrid a note or a card to let her know that we are thinking of her. Her email is HERE and cards can be sent to her at the shop at: Astrid Duym, De Waag 41, 8102 CK, Raalte, The Netherlands. I know she would really appreciate knowing that we are all right behind her!!!"

Da sem napisala to sporočilo, me je spodbudilo sporočilo na Jacque-m blogu. Ljudje se premalo zavedamo kako majhni smo v resnici. Dokler gre življenje po začrtani poti, je vse v redu. Šele ko nas prizadene bolezen, nesreča, smrt...začnemo ceniti tudi druge vrednote. Zdravje postane naš najboljši prijatelj.

Jacque-ova prijateljica Astrid ima raka na prsih. Imela je že operacijo, zdaj pa sta na vrsti kemoterapija in obsevanje. Ker ji človeška toplina in lepa beseda veliko pomenita, ji lahko pišete na elektronski naslov ali pošljete voščilnico in ji tako poveste, da tudi vi mislite nanjo.

1 komentar:

  1. Bom poslala svojo voščilnico. Zelo prijazno od tebe, ker si nam posredovala to sporočilo.


Hvala, ker ste si vzeli čas in obiskali moj spletni dnevnik. Vsi komentarji so dobrodošli.